Saturday, February 13, 2010

Chimichurri - Ribeyes and Asparagus

Cara and I went out for Valentine's Day a night early. Pretty much everything got messed up and we couldn't even find anywhere to eat... Sadly we went to Publix to get a few things for the week and were awed by the display of steaks in the meat dept. I was making a Chimichurri sauce for some Halibut my brother delivered from Alaska (hopefully more on that tomorrow night), so I said why not get some of these awesome steaks, since we weren't going out, and make dinner. We grabbed 1" thick aged ribeyes for $5.99/lb. Cara went to get some icecream and on the way grabbed some fresh asparagus and this amazing recipe came together.

We had baked potatoes nothing to complicated there, but I used all of the olive oil on the chimichurri (recipe below), so I coated the asparagus and steaks with chimichurri and salt and pepper before throwing them on the grill. Steaks get 4 minutes on the oiled grill on highest heat and then a quarter turn, another 4 minutes and a flip. 4 more minutes and a quarter turn and then 4 more minutes and done to about medium (should feel like the pad under your thumb if you are touching your thumb and ring finger together). The asparagus goes on the grate after flipping the steaks and for maybe a minute a side to char a little, then set it on the steak and let it stay hot and get some of the steak flavor. (The asparagus is snapped and then 4 or pieces are put together with toothpicks acting like skewers to make a raft)

The steaks were amazing, I poured a little chimichurri on top after cooking, but the asparagus stole the show. It was the best that Cara or I had ever had. Steven Raichlen gets the credit for the chimichurri recipe (with a few minor tweaks) and the asparagus idea. Sorry, I can't share this food with everyone, but it is a fairly pricey meal :-)


1 Large Bunch Fresh Flat Parsley (Washed & Stemmed)
10 cloves of Garlic
1/3 medium vidalia onion
5 tblspns of water and white vinegar
2 tspn of course sea salt
1/2 tspn dried oregano
1 tspn hot pepper flakes
1 tspn ground black pepper
3/4 cup olive oil

Put all ingredients, save the olive oil, in a food processor and in brief bursts bring to a fine chop. Slowly add the olive oil, processing as little as possible so you keep a course sauce. Should store in the fridge a few weeks, but will lose its color after a couple of days.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Super Party

Getting ready for a Super Bowl Party, mostly working with tried and true recipes but I did come up with this killer chicken wing sauce...

Sweet and Spicy Chicken Wing Sauce
1 cup apple sauce
1 cup orange juice
1 1/2 tablespoons ground ginger
6 tablespoons dark soy sauce
1 tablespoon Sugar
1 teaspoon red chili flakes, medium heat to extra spicy
1 teaspoon corriander
1 teaspoon majoram
add Honey and Sesame Seeds to taste

You want to simmer this for a while, maybe 30 minutes to have it reduce nearly half and get sticky.

And yes, I do love my wife and only partially for letting me have this hobby and assisting when possible..