Monday, November 17, 2008

Christmas List

Amid many requests, I am going to post my Christmas Wish List. I will be editing it as I think of more things that I want:

1) I have changed my mind on Call of Duty 5 (XBOX 360); however, I need a new game and am looking for suggestions
2) Grilling Gloves (So I do not burn myself again)
3) Funds to Build a a covered area in the back for my grill and an attached Pergola
4) Flat Screen TV for the Bedroom (Mostly Cara's Request)
5) Seat to put on my Bike for Landon
6) A college fund for Landon :-)
7) Funds to start a Swingset for Landon
8) A Cruise
9) Cash for Jeans, Pants, and Shoes (these things are in order, so this is a low priority)

***That's all I can think of for now***

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