Friday, January 22, 2010

Spice & Roasted Banana Ice Cream

I'm Back. I haven't come up with a lot of new recipes over the last few months, but I hit one tonight getting ready for a BBQ tomorrow. The real test will be tomorrow; however, I was confident when Cara like it since she does not like Banana flavored things. In full disclosure, I based this recipe on others I saw on-line and modified to my liking, but it is not completely original like the Key Lime Pie Ice Cream...

Here it is...

• 8 ripe bananas

• 2/3 cup brown sugar

• 2 Tbsp butter

• 2 cups whole milk

• 1 cup of cream

• 8 Tbsp sugar

• 1 tsp vanilla extract

• juice of 1 lemon

• 1/2 tsp salt

• 1/2 tsp white pepper

• ½ tsp cloves

• 1 tsp nutmeg

• 2 tsp cinnamon

Chop 7 of the bananas into coins and toss them in the brown sugar and butter (chopped into small pieces) in a baking dish. Bake in a 400°F oven for 45 minutes, stirring once.

Once time is up, the bananas should be fairly browned and juicy. Scrape the contents of this pan (bananas and syrup) into a blender/food processor along with the milk, sugar, vanilla, lemon, and salt and puree til nice and smooth. Cover and chill this in the fridge for a few hours.

Once things are sufficiently cooled down, churn the mixture in your ice cream maker per the instructions that came with yours for about 20 minutes. I sliced (into small bits) the eighth banana, and once time is ready per your ice cream churn's directions, mix it in. Promptly transfer this to the freezer and let it sit overnight to take on the right texture.

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