Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Switzerland 09/03

Super Busy Day! In the office from 8 to 8, and it was pouring all day. I'm told that it is very infrequent to get rain that hard in Geneva. I guess I can trade the bad day for all of the great weather that I have had. Running Late in the rain and craving fast food, I hit a McDonalds tonight. 5 things from the US menu: Big Mac, Filet of Fish, Chicken McNuggets, Fries, and the McFlurry. I had them all (Just Kidding). The Chicken McNuggets were a little different than back home, but basically the same (the batter was a little different). The fries are exactly the same.
Lots of rain so no pictues again. Sorry, no pictures seem to becoming a habit.

1 comment:

Larry Solano said...

No pictures is ok, as long as we get an update on what you had to eat.