Friday, September 5, 2008

Switzerland 09/05

Last Post. After a busy two weeks, it is time to leave. I am very excited to get home, but have immensely enjoyed my time here. As I am preparing for 18 hours of planes and airports tomorrow, I thought I would reflect on the last two days after I received a complaint on yesterday's update.
First, I went out before lunch while computer was getting some work updates and walked parts of the town for the last time on this visit. I did work the camera some, so there are some pictures attached today. I also stopped by McDonalds as some asked for pictures of that landmark. The only US Stores I remember seeing are one Dominoe's Pizza, and about 10 McDonalds. They are literally everywhere.
Last night, I went out with some from the office to a Restuarant that the Clinton's visited on their first trip to Geneva. The restuarant has a nice plaque outside commerating the occasion. I had some air dried meats as an appetizer which I think was like raw beef jerky. It was pretty good, so I ate it and didn't really ask how it was made. I had Lamb for the main course, which is one my favorites, and something I had not had yet on this trip.
Busy day at work, but I had to take a long lunch because my computer was getting Windows Security updates. We went to a restuarant close to my hotel and I had the Lake Geneva Perch. This is one of my favorite meals here, prepared many different ways, and I wanted to enjoy it one more time before leaving. So much looked good there, I went back for dinner. I had their Barbecue Chicken, which didn't have sauce, but was excellent. Two portions of chocolate mouse today, and I definetely have to prepare myself for a diet change soon. Keep me in your prayers as I travel back tomorrow, as the ride over was not good for me.

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