Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Chicken Wings

OK, continuing my blogs themes of Food & Recipes (Travel and Things are good to), I bring you my go to wing recipe:

I like my wings with a little bit of deep fried flour crust, but real light so that some of the regular skin is exposed and drenched in a tangy BBQ sauce.

Start with 12 Chicken Wings, cut-off the Wing Tip piece and trash and then cut the remaining Wing Section and Drumette section into two pieces (usually you can go through the joint pretty easily). You want to marinade 6 - 10 hours in a mixture of 1/2 cup of butter and a 1/2 cup of your favorite hot sauce.

Put some Vegetable Oil and Bacon Grease in your Deep Frier or Frying Pan to start heating up (you want it hot 300 F minimum when you put the first batch in).

Drain the wings from the butter and hot sauce. I sprinkle the following mixture into the bowl with the wings. I do half of it and then toss the wings and then dump in the other half:

1/3 cup of flour
1 Tblspn Black Pepper
1 Tblspn Paprika
1 Tspn Cayane Pepper
1 Tspn Garlic Salt
1 Tspn Chili Powder

As soon as the Oil is ready, start Frying (I have a Fry Daddy, so I can only do 7 -8 wings at a time, so I am looking at 3 batches). I have added a baking step later so that they are all hot when I am ready to eat.

I leave them in between 4 & 7 minutes, each batch gets a little shorter as the oil is hotter. You are looking for a brown to dark brown exterior for anywhere there was flour. Cooking through is not a concern, because we will baking them.

Once they are all fried, I dunk them in the sauce below (I often leave a few naked for cara to dunk in ranch post-baking, and you could certainly add a littler butter to hot sauce if you wanted hot wings).

1/2 Cup of Ketchup
1 Tblspn Cider Vinegar
2 Tblspn Worchestire Sauce
1 Tspn A1 Steak Sauce
1 Tspn Lime Jiuce
1/4 Cup Honey
1/4 Cup Sugar
1 Tspn Pepper
A pinch of Garlic Salt

(mix well, dunk wings, and then place on an oiled baking sheet)

Bake at 275 F for 10 - 12 minutes.

In the meantime, gather any Ranch, Blue Cheese, Hot Sauce and Sliced Celery that you want to add to the feast. This recipe can certainly be done for groups, just look to keep the ratios about the same.


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