Sunday, August 24, 2008

Switzerland 08/24

Wow! What a day. It started at the hotel with breakfast, and was slammed after that. We went to the train station and caught a train to Lausanne and got to see Lake Geneva up close and visit the olympic museum. They had several special things going on as today was the day for the closing ceremonies in China.

We then caught a train to Montreux to see some mountains. There we were directed to take the Golden Pass train into the Swiss Alps. This was like an hour long version of Disney's Big Thunder Mountain with mile long drops on either side. At the summit of +2000 meters, we could see mountains in the distance from Rome and Instanbul. This was a breathtaking experience, and I now more fully understand the "I have been to the mountaintop" expression. To top the day off, we got to get close up to a reindeer. Lots of pictures from the day below!

I had to break them up into several slide shows. There are about 140 pics, so this photobucket link may help...

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