Sunday, August 31, 2008

Switzerland 08/31

I spent a few hours at the museum today, but I was not allowed to take pictures. The museum in Geneva was very different than the Smithsonian or other museums in the US. There was a definite focus on Western Europe history, but their exhibits were much older than typical ones in the US. A few things that stuck out were all of the Roman & Egyptian Scultures. They had several intact Mummy casings which were pretty cool. They also had a room on Swiss Warfare History. This room was loaded with canons, guns, swords, and metal armor. They even had sets of armor that horses wore. I was not allowed to take pictures, so I took some pictures of my hotel today.
One note, nearly everyone in Geneva smokes. I have been trying to eat outside because the weather in gorgeous and most restaurants do not have AC. However, I have forgotten (since Florida's indoor clean air act) just have disgusting smoking can be for those around sometimes. It is nice that the weather has been so incredible. I am excited to see how well the Rays keep playing.

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