Saturday, August 30, 2008

Switzerland 08/29

A night in France. Our trip to Annecy was smooth. It was funny to here the Swiss talk about the French. One such joke was, When God was creating the world, he created France and called it Heaven on earth. His assistant said, We are in Heaven, you cannot create another one on earth, so they created the French people. Obviously, that was not true, but it shows what the peoples sometimes think of another.
Annecy was a beautiful town, described to be similiar to Venice, Italy. Lake Annecy which is so clean that you can see to the bottom (although on our boat tour we did not see any fish), and starts a river that has many brnaches that flow through the old city. My understanding is parts of the old town section are over 500 years old, but the only dated stone I could find said construction of the building was completed in 1690. There were many castles around lake, but we could not get close enough for good pictures. All of the mountain ranges have paragliders and we were tempted to go try it out. The color of the old buildings' plasters on the outside was amazing and very different from anything that I have seen before.
We had some Glace (icecream) which was clearly the best that I had ever eaten. My dinner consisted of Fried Lake Perch and French Fries with a Chocolate Mouse desert. It was very good. Our waitress appeared to be very rude at the beginning per the French stereotype, but she ended up being very pleasant. Most people spoke english which was good for us.
The rental car ride over there was breathtaking, Ryan did a fine job of driving but it was often like the little car that could barely making it up each incline and coming home the lights in the car only went out about 20 feet when we were on a major French highway (A40). The scenery of the French countryside was amazing. The rest of the team from Lakeland are headed home today, while I am staying to help with the accounting close next week. I will probably do less travel for this second week, but the trip to France yesterday was definetly well worth it.

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